Sunday, August 13, 2023

Thou Shall not Steal by Robert G Parent

 Thou Shall not Steal
by Robert G Parent

Was Robin Hood correct when he stole from the rich then gave it to the poor?
Robin Hood through his actions told the public that stealing is okay if done for the good of all, or even just for the poor. Robin's Hood was in the right, some people would say because he helped the poor, but...

If we had a modern day Robin Hood, people would say that he's a hero but, think about Robin Hood from the other side from those who have money, who are rich.

In today's time, the rich world be the store owner and the many small businesses, who need to feed their families. These business may even give to charities from their own free will. If people stole from these businesses, what would happen to those whom they support like families, charities, and the local community?

For us to have a functioning society, grounded in true freedom, true opportunity, people need to have a choice to help people who are in need of the rich people's care because to take away a person's choice or force someone to do a good thing is evil for it takes away a person's possibility to redeem themselves of a sin, a mistake to get back on the correct path toward God, toward truth. Remember this, what we do to others is what is done to ourselves. We have a choice to hurt and heal, which comes down to freewill, to choice. Ponder in this, true power comes from real choice. It's good we grow.

There are many people who dream of doing what is in their heart to do, but they never make the decision to follow what is in their heart. It's hard to motivate oneself to achieve their dream but, it's possible who don't mind working hard to make their dreams come true. Work hard, make a plan, and follow the plan. This is what success is.  

However, there's a consciousness of lack, in society today. This consciousness includes limiting their power of decision, usually people miss the opportunity to make a decision because they cannot see the many opportunities that come in their lives because the other ways of seeing are not in his/her frame of reference. Sometimes people are talked out of their decision through ignorance and deception but, remember we all have the power of decision. We as a human  being in this place, need to manifest our decision.

We all have a gift to freely give to our community. When you steal from the gifts of the others in the local community, you steal from your own future good in becoming rich yourself. Also, those who still give their gifts freely, they will continue to do so. When you steal, you harm yourself.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Dec. 21, 2012 is not the end...

Dec. 21, 2012 is not the end...
by Robert G Parent

The world will not end in December 21, 2012. Its just part of a cycle. We, humans, have the chance to make our world a different place. We have the power of decision. Through decision we can create anything and walk down any path. Humanity's purpose is to create. Hopefully we will create beauty.

YouTube Channel Podcastbard

Sunday, March 06, 2011


by Robert G Parent

To Walk the Path in Darkness,
To See what's in Air,
To Drive in the Fog of Mystery,
I seek to read the timeless book
within the being
which I am within.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Winter Soltice means to me

What Winter Soltice means to me

December 16, 2010

Five more days until the shortest day and longest night, where darkness seems like it will never end, where a head cold continues to disrupt; still, people continue with this thing called hope and faith. There is something in even the densest of matter, when broken down becomes light. This is what Winter Soltice means to me. Even in the darkest of times, either personally or on a bigger scale, one can remake themselves and set upon a new direction. The celebration of Winter Soltice is about the hope that after our darkest hour; a new time is born, the light is seen again. Because, the light is always there giving us freedom to change, to become what we decide to become.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Burning the Koran

In history, Christians have done some stupid stuff like kill people in the name of Christianity or God. Does it mean that all Christians are bad because of that history? I've even been afraid of some Christians' who've turned their anger on me just to have a conversation in the name of trying to find the real truth behind what is written in the bible. I don't just all Christians for the actions of a few. I think John Lennon was on to something when he wrote in the song "Imagine" "Imagine a world without religion..."

Robert G Parent

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Holding a Vision from Soul

Holding a Vision from Soul
by Robert G Parent

I'd like to ponder on something a friend was talking to me about. It was about the anointing or calling that Christians call their mission in life. My friend didn't like that I called it a decision. It just seemed wrong to her that someone would decide their calling, after all a calling is something God tells a person. However, all things come down to a decision, even the big decisions.

From my point of view or understanding, this anointing or big decision seems so powerful because it comes from the soul. At that time, the personality had a moment of clarity where they understood where their lives needed to go. God doesn't tell us where to go because then freewill would be an illusion, which I don't believe. We each create our own future by the decisions we make on a daily bases. Decision is like pins in a map that show us where we've been. And no matter where we are now, we have made decisions that brought us to the point where we are now.

People use God to blame ( for the lack of a better word ) for living a life of mediocrity ( living a boring life ) or a life filled with sadness, anger, and frustration. But if a life sees their life in these ways, it reflects the darkness that overshadows their soul's light. Things also happen to us because of other people's decisions. We're all trying to get by in our own current consciousness.

To get the most or even more out of our current consciousness, we each need to look at the light within each of us. We need to see the bigger picture that is our life. We need to see the possibilities that lay within the big picture of our life. We need to illuminate the darkness, the shadow that is cast over our lives. We each need to look to the soul in all our decisions. When we do look to soul in our decisions, we will make better decisions.

We each hold onto our ideas of how things should be done but, the world keeps changing and we need to change in how we do things, while still holding a vision from soul on how things should be.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Our Greatest Lesson

Our Greatest Lesson
by Robert G Parent

All religion is man-made and doesn't come from the one God. The gift the one God brings comes from what is within all, love. It is the love that brings us and binds us together into one great force in this Universe.

There are many who try and separate us and use us to fight each other in the name of religion. Those who do, live in illusion and shadow. To win against these forces, we must be as one and show them how bright our light shines.

We are one. This is the truth that we need in our hearts. It is the separation that is tearing the world apart, not any environmental concerns. Because as one with Earth and the one God, we can heal any past damage and transform this world into a place of beauty.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A New Creative Solution

A New Creative Solution
by Robert G Parent

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." -- Ben Franklin

From Virtuous means "conforming to moral and ethical principles; morally excellent; upright:"

I think people do and want to live a virtuous life. For me, virtuous means people helping people. We do this. Out of all the natural and unnatural disasters we've had in the past, the number one means of support for those that needed it was the people. We've given more money, not any government. We've had more volunteers to help those, not any government forces. We spend more money on many different charities then any government. So why should we stop there.

Why can't we use this same spirit that we used to help people in past disasters? In health care, I believe we could come up with local solutions that cost far less and be of assistance to more people. In education, in the past parents and the local communities had more control in educating their children, why can't we come up with a present solution that does the same thing? In Welfare, why can't businesses come up with local solutions to help those who've lost a job or have fallen on hard times. Rich people have set up funds and trusts. Why can't businesses set up their own funds and trusts to help those in need. To those that do this, we would continue to support them in their businesses. Why would we do this? Well think about it for a few seconds.

The solutions to this economic situation we find ourselves in is simple. We need to get back to more local control. We need to produce our own foods, our own needs, our own services. The way we have this global marketplace set up now is not working because we have rich countries and we have poor countries. By going local, we would balance the equation better. Now global things like the Internet and local foods are good and have their own place because we need to have diversity and knowledge, so each local area can grow and become better for their people. Going more local is one of the ideas that I believe the founding fathers had in mind when they created the Constitution of the United States. Let us put the virtuous spirit that we all have to better use and make this planet the garden it once was.

Friday, May 21, 2010

New Insights on Reincarnation

New Insights on Reincarnation
by Robert G Parent

What if reincarnation doesn't exist? When we think of reincarnation, we think of this life as separate from our other lives. But are they really? We have only one life, but that life doesn't start from birth in this lifetime. Our life starts at the very beginning as we each grow out of our monad.

Imagine each life we've had in the pasts, and each life in our potential future path as being part of one continued line. It's kinda like the series "Sliders" or "Doctor Who". We don't die but only shift our consciousness from one place, one time to another place and time. We do this now. When we sleep at night, our consciousness shifts from where we were to where we are and when we wake up in the morning, even though we're in the same bedroom, we are in a different place and a different time. Remember, the Earth spins and revolves around the Sun.

When we be become conscious of this process, we would be able to regenerate our whole body. We do this anyway. When we sleep and shift our consciousness to another place and time we take on a new body for that time and place. Some doctors believe that our bodies regenerate themselves. So let's take this to the next thought. When we die, for the lack of a better word, we move onto a new place and time with new bodies. These bodies are either spiritual bodies or physical bodies in a new time and place. Right now the regeneratation process is done automatically. But maybe when we become conscious of the process, we would have full control as to how our new bodies look.

I hope that I have given some seed thoughts on calling the process reincarnation regeneration instead.

Monday, May 17, 2010

What we Need to Think About

What we Need to Think About
by Robert G Parent

Why can't countries manufacture what they need for their people?

Instead of the government paying for welfare and all such government entitlement programs, we'd come up with a system where local businesses in each state pay for its own state's welfare programs.

Why can't we have more local gardens? There is not a place where we cannot grow a garden.

For a country to be prosperous, each state needs to be self-sufficient.

If there is a need in a local area, let those local people solve that problem.

We need to get to a place where even residents in an apartment building become known as a community.

The solutions for the problems in this country and the world need to come from the local communities.

We need to stay creative in the magic of life.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Return to the Oneness

Return to the Oneness
by Robert G Parent

There is only one. One force that flows through and is in everything. It doesn't matter what religion someone is in because religion is only a part of the one. Each religion is only made of a group of people's understandings of what cannot be seen. Religion comes from the world and belongs only to the understanding of the world.

God is everywhere in this Universe. God flows through and is in everything. When we pray for help or for understanding, we contect to this force. And because we are all connected to this God Force, we find the one who is asking or needs help or understanding.

Just because each of us seems different or not like anyone else, we focus on that we are different. It is that thinking that is tearing the world apart. We all need to turn that around. We need to focus on the Force, the God Force that flows through and is in everything.

Healing is all about bringing the body back to a wholeness state, where the body functions as one. That is the healing that this planet needs, to bring it back to a wholeness state, where all us Children are one within the one God of the Universe. Have any of you focused in meditation on the one Force, the God Force, God in you meditation? What do you think would happen if you did meditate on this on a daily bases? Do you think you'd start to see others differently? I hope you each try it and come to see as I know.

Thank You for you time,
Live Long and Prosper,
and May the Force be with You

Robert G Parent

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Facts about our Climate

Facts about our Climate ( Global Warming )
by Robert G Parent

These facts are from a documentary that I saw on the internet. Look up the information yourself.

First: From 1940 to 1975 temperatures were getting cooler. The significant idea that I want to get across is that this was the industrial revolution, where more carbon dioxide was in the air. According to Al Gore's media, this time wouldn't be cooler but warmer.

Second: The Earth has had ice ages and periods of global warming through out history; like the mini-ice age of the 14th century, the mid evil warming period, and the Halocene maximum of the deep past.

Third: The Carbon Dioxide count actual lags behind higher temperatures, so temperature is controlling carbon dioxide. But what controls temperature rise? The Sun and specifically sun spot activity. In the little ice age of the 14th century, there was very little sunspot activity. Also, carbon dioxide lags behind temperature rise because it takes a long time for the oceans to release Carbon dioxide.

The news from around 1974 talked about the coming ice age and how catastrophic it would be. Now the news is talking about how catastrophic global warming would be. I'll leave it up to you to decide why the news media has changed their stories. Also, the environmental reporters tell us of the great poverty that global warming will bring, but in the mid evil warming period was a time of great wealth. Again, we have reporters focusing on fear, Why do you think they keep reporting and focusing on the fear? I think we are in a time where the news media have their own agenda. Where they are willing to twist stories and instead of just reporting the facts, they report opinion and call it the facts. This can be very dangerous for our freedom here in the United States and of the world as a whole. What we the people need to do now in this time of great tribulation is to check and double check all the facts reported. We have to step up and be the voices of reason in this time where we can either fall back to the dark ages or go forward to the age of enlightenment. How we decide is where we will go.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Metaphor about Creation

Metaphor about Creation
by Robert G Parent

Creation has to come from stillness, the stillness before the initial thought. Then once the initial thought makes contact with the stillness, we build upon that thought ( energy ) until we get to the new wave of creation, which we can surf until it becomes stillness again.

Stay Creative in the Magic of Life

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Receptive State

A Receptive State by Robert G Parent

Poet's and creative people need to be in a receptive state. A dancer is receptive to the beat in the back of the melody. When focused on, the body will move that way. It also gives way to improvising between the beats. If one can live in a receptive state, they will be in the flow of creativity, creation.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Losing Weight

Losing Weight
by Robert G Parent

Why is it so hard to lose weight? Fructose. It does not turn off the the mechanism in our brain that says we are not hungrey. One thing that does not help is that Frutose is in about 90% of our food because its cheep. Why do they need to put sugar into our foods. Because it would be so bland without the sugar. So if our food is tasteless without putting sugar into it, why are we eating it.

If you think of it, we should only have a produce section, a meat section, a dairy section and a frozen foods section. We don't really need to eat anything in the middle of grocery stores. We should also eat more natural fibers such as apples and pears. Fiber is proven to help tell the brain that we are full.

So it would be easier to lose weight if we change what we eat and get the frutose out of our diets. Exercise regularly, going out into nature and walk among the woods, by a lake, or river. Just being more active and having the right amount of sleep.

Check out the Hazards of Sugar A 9 part series on You Tube.

Finding Purpose

The wise jedi, Yoda speaking to Anakin says, "Attachment leads to jeliousy. You must learn to let go what you fear to lose."

January 2, 2010
morning after waking up
by Robert G Parent

Finding Purpose

How does letting go and finding one's purpose in life go together. We each go down the path that leads us to our current job. But some people become unhappy as to the job they work at. They stay at their jobs for a couple of reasons. The big reason is they like the money that they receive from the job because it helps them and their families live well. They also stay at one job because they become comfortable, that even the idea of changing anything in their lives gives them much pain.

Each of us have a purpose for this life. When we are not living up to that purpose, we feel an inner feeling of knowing. If we do not recognize this feeling, it will manifest in our lives as impatiance, frustration, and a focusing on the problems and a feeling of helplessness that they cannot fix the problems.

What we need to do is to become conscious of at what is happining in our feelings and thoughts. Noticing what others say about you, will give you an idea as to what your purpose is. Write down a dream list as to what you want to do. Get specific. Explore your feelings and thoughts closely. Then come up with a plan to bring those dreams into you life. This plan will help you learn to let go your old self and manifest your new self, one living your purpose.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Errors in the 2012 prophecy

Errors in the 2012 prophecy
by Robert G Parent

Some say in 2012 big changes will happen, all our past problems will be solved, and we will get new bodies. This is the problem with all prophecy. People put all their hope into the prophecy of the day instead of working to make the world a better place. People think that all we need is love, to mediate, and don't think negitive. Well, I do believe these things are important, but we need to do more then sit in our lives meditating thinking only positve thoughts.

We need to be inspired by a higher thought from our souls or spirit, but we also need to figure out how to accomplish this. We must also constantly check our thoughts for error because in the day to day busy life we live, error gets mixed in there with our creations.

We do live in a time of tribulation, of Great Tribulation. Our lives are being transformed daily and at a fast pace. Old forms and ways of doing things are breaking up and new forms of more freedom are replacing the old ways. Now, not all the old ways are bad. The new is built upon the old and changes what is good in a different way. This is the magic of the spirial.

Even though we are transforming in our thoughts and actions by what is it we do, I don't think we will have new bodies by or in December 21, 2012. Now, I do believe we are evolving and we will have new bodies but the process of evolution is a long process. There are steps we first need to take before we evolve. Steps not only in the spirit, mind, heart but also in the physical body. Also, our laws will change as the new bodies come in and some will discrimenate against the new forms as they do now with any changes to the perceived "normal". So, we are not yet at the point where we can make steps to any real progress because we still don't see ourselves as one human race apart of the One Life.

This is an important time because instead of making steps forward, we can go backwards. We must constantly contemplate the work we do and what we learn for errors and correct them and stir the ship of the human race where we want to go as one people, for the good of the people and generations to follow to a place where we have more freedom not less freedom.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

That's the Power of Love

That's the Power of Love
by Robert G Parent

I've been meditating and contemplating on the female power of magnetism, which is the principle of love, which is needed for any creation to manifest on the Earth in this Universe.

For the creation of a human molecule on this Earth there has to be a person or preferably a group of people to wield this power of love and to draw ( attract ) other people to them and their ideas, their creations. Then the people will gravitate into the orbits they choose and are draw to. In other words, they will do the work that is their purpose.

The wielding of the female power of magnetism, love, is what's needed to get any new idea, invention, or other creation into the peoples hearts and minds.

Magnetism or love energy is needed for any creation to be a success. The elements of creation ( manifestation ) are idea, intention, and love. When a person or group of people put these three elements together in the right way, they will create as God creates. Then, we will be true children of God.

Friday, September 25, 2009

2012 what if nothing happens

2012 what if nothing happens
by Robert G Parent

There has been and continues to be more talk about 2012 and the end of the world, but what if the world does not end? Where will these people go or do? I think they will find something else to fear. 90 percent of the 2012 prophesies deal with fear and people are looking at things that could happen, but if the things that they said would happen there is nothing we could do, so why do we fear the night ( things we cannot see )? Maybe after 2012, we will be not as fearful about what we cannot see. Maybe we will finally embrace the unknown and not let our fears get in the way.

Maybe 2012 only marks one sign post in our journey of growing up as a species and becoming true children of the universe, of the God. I give this proof as that statement. Let us take our everyday lives. We have a point where we reach early childhood. We have a point where we are between childhood and adulthood. We reach a point where we become young adults, matured adults, and when we become elders. Why can't our race exist on that scedule, just on a bigger timeline.

It is easy to give into the fears, to give into our lower natures, and our emotions. Heck in the last 12 years of the Unitied States political elections prove how emotional people can get and how polititians use our emotions to get what they want. Maybe 2012 will be the sign post where we all grow up in our humanity and not be ruled by our fears, lower natures, or our emotions. Maybe we all will learn to use our whole mind and our intuition. I think its time we cast off our old bodies of our emotions and our lower natures.

This post is just another way of looking at the possibilities of 2012.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Creation's Spark

Creation's Spark
by Robert G Parent

Connect to the Spark of Creation that is at the center of all life and create inventions, concepts, and other things that people would never even conceive of but could if they were to connect to the Spark of Creation at the center of all life.

But it's not just connecting and becoming inspired, all must work to bring that connection into manifestation. People do this by understanding the physical realm and what can be done. With enough practice at connecting to Creation's Spark and manifesting the new ideas into the physical realm, people would come to understand that the physical realm could be bent by our wills and Creation's Energy to shape it in soul's sight.

Many types of people are learning these lessons entrepreneurs, writers, artist, musicians, cooks, mechanics, engineers to name a few. It is the main lesson each of us will eventually not only learn by know. There is a difference between learning and knowing. When someone just knows something, she doesn't need to think about the process. She just does. It's like what Master Yoda says, "do or do not, there is no try." We just do.

To connect to Creation's Spark, you need to meditate on the Creation you see, hear, touch, and sense by other means. Focus on the basic idea of that creation. See how the big picture works. Focus on the leaves blown by the wind. Focus on the waves to the shore. See how the elements work to create, to reshape the world around you. Watch the sublime powers of creation in their effects on the world around you. Then bring that experience into your own ideas, manifestations, and creations.

I've also created a mantra to help you to connect to Creation's Spark. The mantra is titled "God's Mantra", which I will put below this article. When we connect to the Spark of Creation at the center of all life and become inspired and manifest our creations into the physical realm, we find our true heritage and purpose. It is when we truly become Children of Creation, children of the one God and travel out into the Universe sharing the beauty of the Spark of Creation.

God's Mantra
by Robert G Parent

Wave's of energy
male and female
flow through Body
Earth and Sea
Power and Grace
flow through body
out of the void
Creation Comes.

If you are stuck in your writng or creation, say this matra with your whole being, feel Creation's power flow through you, and Creation's Inspiration will come though you.

Friday, August 28, 2009

to every time there's a purpose

to every time there's a purpose
by Robert G Parent

Is it possible that Obama being president was supposed to happen? Trillions of debt. Bail out of banks and credit companies. Working with the Unions to save car manufactures. And a possibility of government controlling health care. All these things sound bad though. Why would soul or God allow this to happen?

Soul sees all that we are and all that we can be. Humanity as a whole has a habit of sleeping while living their lives, unless something effects them at their core being. History is the keeper of human behavior. Humanity in history stood by while they followed charismatic leaders who have their own agendas. But history has also shown that when people bind together, we can accomplish anything that we choose to do. And when guided by a true soul idea, we can move the universe.

So maybe Obama was supposed to be president to awaken people against the way that leads back to the past oppressions and lack of freedom, to a future where there is a possibility of more light and freedom. The Children of Creation are the keystone to this Universe. That is what humanity can become. Look at this time and see your potential and be a Child of Creation, listen to soul, and let the light shine on the seeds within your being.

Because if we don't live up to our possibilities, we may be replaced.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Demand our Voices are heard

Demand our Voices are heard
By Robert G Parent

I want to talk about health care and the talk of health care going on in today's media. The conservative media are talking down the Obama health care plan and not talking about any other plan to replace the Obama health care plan. Now, I do believe that the Obama health care plan is and will be bad for this country, for the reasons that Conservatives talk about on their shows ( costs too much and decreasing competition or choice ) but also no one is addresses the real reasons for the current health care problems. The real reason that we have problems in health care are the cost. How much does it cost for a MRI, an X-ray, or any other medical test that our doctors say we need. Now that is also the other reason why we have problems in health care, the price of a doctor's visit. My last doctor charged $100 per visit to those without insurance, if I had insurance the doctor's visit would be $20. Doctor's are pricing their services for insurance not for the free market. If they couldn't get any insurance money, they would have to price their services based on a fair market price, which would be lower then the $100 or more that they charge. But why do doctors charge so much for their services? To answer that question look to see how much it cost to be a doctor or nurse. No one is coming up with solutions because no one sees what or where are the problems of health care. If you can define a problem, you will find the solution.

Some possible solutions to the health care problem. First make insurance what it was originally created for, emergences. And when we need to go to the emergence room, it will be for an emergence. Solution two doctors offices. What if doctors started charging for their services as a subscription price. This means that the people will go to the doctor they want to go and their doctor will charge a monthly subscription fee. Once someone pays the month's price, then all the services the doctor offers will be free ( included in the monthly fee ). Doctor's could even be competitive and base this fee on income, like five percent. If people make more they pay more. If people make less they pay less. Everyone gets health care at an affordable price. Solution three medical schools. Why can't people attend on-line courses and do their clinicals at a nursing home or hospital. The nursing homes and hospitals could even charge for this giving them another source of income. How could we get doctors and schools adopt these ideas? We could offer them incentives and offering an incentive is better then forcing people to change. Wise people today and of history have said that to force people to do good is the greatest evil.

My hope for this article is to get people ( democrats, conservatives, and those of us in between ) to think in solutions. The solutions that I offer may not be the solutions the people choose to make, but they are a start to a common dialog that we the people of the United States can do and take to our politicians and give the change that we want – a fair system for all. Feel free to share this article to all those you know. Express your own ideas. Blog about the ideas put your comments in the comments section. Speak out America. Can we work together to give us something from the government that we want. Demand debate. Demand our voices are heard. We know what makes this country great – the people.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Disciple's Power

This question is from JJ Dewey in his class at the Yahoo Group Keysters post titled 12 keys of discipleship Key 11

How does the disciple use his power of initiation to do this?

Disciple's Power by Robert G Parent

A disciple uses his power of initiation to initiate by being in tuned to what the big picture is. Seeing what is lacking, then pondering or seeing what is needed. He then knows what he could do, by pondering on his skills, his dreams, his inspiration, his direction in this life, his purpose and fills the need. Invention is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. That 1% comes from an alignment with his souls purpose, his lessons, his direction, his path, his skills. He realizes where his path took him. He sees all the decisions of the past which lead him to this point of realization and this realization becomes a point of tension that divine inspiration, that energy that propels him to his future as he tries to initiate the need that he sees from the whole. The creation of the Internet is an aquarian initiation. So is the initiation of any new thought, any new way of doing something.

Story of Creation's Success

Story of Creation's Success
by Robert G Parent

Before any success, we must make a decision, every creation starts with a decision. And all creation seeks to express itself. The Creation looks to see what can be done. It puts out the intention and draws to it through the principle of Love the desire to create something new to fill the void at what can be done. For the success of the new, the creation through the principle of freedom let's the new find its own expression. The new then finds its own purpose and thus continually expands upon Life's expression of the original idea.

All Creation seeks expression though the principle of Love.

Word gymnastics

Word gymnastics
by Robert G Parent

What we had is not what we'll have but what we'll have is not what we have now.

The dream dreamt in time's past is not as great as the dream dreamt now. But what we'll see in future's time we can't even imagine of that dream.

Somewhere tangled in the world wide web lays the hope, the dream that will free us in this time.

A child looks for something sweet
Somewhere on the web is the treat
But only finds this little tweet

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Audio Twitter

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Audio Twitter

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Audio Moblog

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Friday, June 26, 2009

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

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Friday, June 19, 2009

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Audio Twitter June 12, 2009

Like Twitter but in Audio form.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Becoming extras

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Monday, June 08, 2009

The Dark Cycle

The Dark Cycle

May 31, 2009 at 8:28 am

Its a beautiful Sunday morning. The sun is out. My window is open about half way. A gentle breeze blows as I hear the birds in the red maple just outside my window. The temperature is a warm mid 60's.

I woke up this morning from a dream about a group of men who cut themselves up and hung themselves off a bridge on a morning as this one back in time somewhere. I was looking at this scene as if I was watching a television show. There was one man having second thoughts and did not want to die, but another man reminded him of the pack they all made. I don't think I heard all the words that were being said in the conversation from where I was viewing this scene. My focus went back to the man hanging on the wooden bridge frame. It was not a covered bridge but like a timber frame building with only the frame, not enclosed by walls. I watched the man on the wooden frame arms outstretched. He was the first one up and the last one to fall, arms to his side, into the calm river as the sun in the sky looked down.

That was the scene as I woke up this morning. When I awoke this morning, I was a little shaken up but peaceful at the same time, when the idea that came to me was that this was a past life of mine. Why did I dream of a past life where I committed suicide? Because of the dark thoughts and feelings of helplessness that I am currently having. Let me explain.

I only have a part time job now and its been very difficult to pay my bills. Actually, its been difficult for the past two years when I got laid off from another job where I was making $1000 every two weeks. There were lots of over time. Over the course of the two years I was losing lots of stuff, including my ability to travel and do fun things that I loved doing, going to Pow Wows, hiking in the mountains, driving around New Hampshire making video and audio programming to put up on the web. I'm continuing to lose stuff like my cable and broadband. I also fear losing my car and cellphone. In June, I will be losing my part time job for a few months and I wonder what will happen to my apartment?

That is the basic back story to why I have dark thoughts and feelings of helplessness. The dream also explains why that even though I've gone close to the edge. I don't do it. Something inside me carries the memory of that past life and the after death consequences. People think death will give them release, but only the physical body gets relief – we are not our bodies. The emotions and dark thoughts continue and can scare a soul if it were not for the rebirth process. But that process is not an easy one for those who have committed suicide. First there is the wait to come back here to resolve that action, the dark thoughts, and feelings of hopelessness. And when you come back into that new life, it will not be an easy life. That life would be harder especially around the area that caused the suicide. So, this is a warning to all those even thinking about going beyond the curtain of life. Don't do it. You will only be delaying your progress as a soul. Stick around in this life and learn to transmute those dark thoughts and feelings of helplessness. Free yourself of the dark cycle.

So, there you have it. And why am I writing this down in my journal. To help get myself and others get out and break this dark cycle. Don't Quit. This time will pass, life does continue, after a down there has always been an up. I will see that up. Let us, all who are caught in the dark cycle, break it and see the sun rise up again over the horizon. Let us all become wiser for making it through the dark cycle. Believe that life is filled with many possibilities and that the good times will return. Live Long and Prosper.

9:38 am –

Power OGG episode 24

Power OGG Episode 24
Music by "The FuMP"

In today's show, you will hear "She wants an american Girl" by Power Salad, "Living on a Roll and a Prayer" by Hot Waffles, "Why are you Friending me on Facebook" by Devo Spice, "Swine Flu" by Seamonkey, "Out of Snark" by Tom Smith, and "Good Advice" by TV's Kyle.

All the songs can be heard on the Podsafe Music Network at and on

Promos in today's show are "Eden" by Phil Rossi and "Wasteland" by Mur Lafferty from

click here for PowerOGG 024

May the Force be with you.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

How we got Here

How we got here
by Robert G Parent

Hello everyone on the Internet, on You Tube, on Libsyn™, on Blogger™, or wherever you are listening or reading this. The Internet is the greatest communications medium. It made the world a much smaller place. It helps to bring people and ideas together. Why? Hope for a better world.

Government wants us to think that they have all the answers, that they alone know what's better for us, that they alone will make the decisions needed to turn this country and the world around. It's not them, the Government; it's us the people who have always had the power to change our country and our world.

We have given up this power because we think the problems of this country and this world are too big. They are not. When we work together, we can do anything. We don't need any Government.

If the Government ended tomorrow, we the people would continue on. We the people would still work our jobs, make our movies, write our stories, do our podcasts and our You Tube™ videos, and help our neighbor. We the people have depended on the Government – for too long. We the people fell into the entitlement trap by letting the Government and others tell us how we should live and tell us what we should do. We cannot develop our own creativity, our own inventiveness, our own ingenuity by letting the Government do for us what we can do for ourselves, together. It's how our country grew.

It is in the same spirit that we went from the East Coast to the West Coast at the foundation of our country that we the People of the Untied States invented the automobile, that we the People of the Untied States discovered electricity, that we the People of the Untied States invented the Internet. And, it is in that same spirit that we the People must solve the problems of this time we are currently in.

We must say No to our dependence on the Government and reclaim that same spirit that built and grew this country. I still believe in the power of a unified people inspired by their souls, working together to solve the problems of this country and this world. So let us begin today and say No to anything that will increase the size of the Government in our lives, ending our dependence on Government. And let us listen to our souls inspiration and build a strong, compassionate, Free country that will make our founding fathers proud, and then let us shine that light to the rest of the world.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Use of Fear

The Use of Fear
by Robert G Parent

Why is it that the economy is now doing OK? President Obama is now saying, as well as others in the media, that the economy is not as bad as they originally thought.

See whenever a president wants someting, he plays the fear card and some Americans buy it just because the media and the president says its so. Now I'm not saying we should disrespect any president ( and there was a lot of that going on in the past 8 years. Don't deny it, we heard you. ) Anyway to continue, we should scrutinize any president, any congressmen, any elected official regardless of how we voted for them or who we like. Because if we fail to do this, this country fails.

We are where we are because we have failed to keep our minds open and listen to both sides equally. And, this goes double for the media. You the Media of the United States have failed us. Learn from your mistakes and treat Republicans and Democrates equally.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What is democracy

What is democracy
by Robert G Parent

Democracy is all about freedom. I think the Iraqi people have more freedom now. The lesson of history is whenever there is a dictatorship (less freedom) the cost to achieve freedom is always high. Because dictators don't want to give up there power.

Obama is making a fundamental error thinking more money and more Government will get us out of this economic recession. Its not the government that needs to do more spending its the people. More government will bring us less freedom. Our grand children's grandchildren are the ones who's going to be born into economic slavery.

One more thing you should think about. Who pays the Government? Where does the Government get their money? Yes. From Us, the People. So, is it logical to increase the Government or their spending in the middle of a recession? Could this make the recession into a full blown depression? The future when it because history will tell the tale.

Monday, March 02, 2009

More is Too Much

More is Too Much
by Robert G Parent

More money doesn't necessarily solve problems. More money could cause problems. Our ability to use our creativity, our innovation, our intuition is how we'll solve problems.

I had to use and develop these abilities in my life because many times I did not have a lot of money to get the "best" programs or gadgets. But, the things I create with inexpensive programs or gadgets are as good as those created with the most expensive programs or gadgets.

In education, we can use our creativity to come up with lesson plans that show our students the bigger picture. For example, I just watched a series on my local public television station, where teachers showed how they used art to help teach complicated concepts in subjects like math, history, science, and other subjects.

More doesn't mean better, more just means you/we need more energy to complete a simple task. Nature doesn't operate like this and we shouldn't either.

More also means more stress and more anxiety, we don't need this and these are abundant when we have more government. Also, this goes for mega-businesses, who need to consume more, just to make a profit.

Our society has thrived on consuming more and more. What has that caused? This current global problem. Its not the fault of our elected officials because they are a product of this type of society.

We are at a point where we can learn a major lesson as a society as a whole. In every generation there is a test that is faced, maybe, this is the test this generation faces.

To survive this time, we have to think differently, to do things differently. If we don't think and act differently, we'll miss our opportunity for a major lesson as a whole society. A lesson that can unify this world. A lesson that will launch us into a new future.

We need a different type of President

We need a different type of President
by Robert G Parent

We need a different type of President to solve the economic mess we're in. Why don't we have a President who is a successful business person?

If we did have a President that is a successful business person, this country could actually make wise investment decisions.

Imagine if we ( The United States of America ) could make $8 Billion on a $2 Billion dollar investment.

Imagine if the National Debt actually decreases every year ( What a Concept ).

We are being imprisoned by debt. How effective can a country be when it is in debt to many or every country in the world?

I have a dream. That in 2010, we will have elected in office a Libertarian/Moderate congress. And in 2012, we will have the first successful business person as President of the United States. And if he or she is a libertarian, how much sweeter it will be.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Seeds Within

The Seeds Within
by Robert G Parent

I sit here, surrounded by my books and the rest of my stuff. Gentle rain outside falls to the bosom of the Earth. Spring is almost here. The two elements of life on this Earth -- the land used for planting and the water used for feeding the seeds we keep down within us. We move through space and time either in sleep or survival mode. And forget, the seeds deep within our cores. We miss opportunity that shows us how to create, that shows us ideas we've never dreamed, or that shows us the true magic of life. I sit here and wait for creativity's God, to whisper secrets about Universe's story, poem, and song. My hopes and my dreams fade into the night that surrounds me in reality's illusion.

I am lost, but sometimes lost is where I must be, to slow down, observe Life's force and what it tries to tell me.

I sit back on my headboard, look out my window, and get lost in the dance of the raindrops on the ground, the tree, and its leaves.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My thoughts on the Molecular Business

My thoughts on the Molecular Business
by Robert G Parent

How can a Molecular Business come into the physical?

It already is in the physical because people are forming groups and learning to work within groups and terms like "Group Dynamics" are being used in the formation of groups. Big businesses ( especially in technology ) are being made of smaller groups with their own goals, but both are working toward the bigger goals of the Molecular Company.

We also need to teach our young these principles so their thinking will evolve along these principles, which they can then manifest the next generation of Molecular Businesses.

How do we teach our children these principles? One idea I though of is to have bigger classrooms. Thirty is the ideal size because the class can be separated into six groups of five. Why have five people in a group? Making a group of five is an odd number and true democracy within the group can also be learned.

Teachers will have an overall goal or goals for the class and what each group will do. The smaller groups will have ( or should be incouraged ) to make goals or steps to help them accomplish what their group's to do.

One more idea about group construction. Each group of five studients should be paired up by smart studients, not so smart studients, and studients whose intelligences are in different areas. So, these groups could promote peer learning, creativity, and inventiveness, which all will help strengthen the group.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Life's Purpose

Life's Purpose
by Robert G Parent

When we come into this life, our soul chooses our potential path, but once we're born we are the one to choose if we'd stay on soul's path. If we do stay on soul's path, it will lead us to soul communication in this physical realm. Then upon our next life, we will choose our life's path and be as Shamans and walk both worlds and work to get to the next level. But, our lives have multiple purposes just as any sacred work created by soul inspiration. As we work to proceed to the next level, we work to create new beauty in this physical realm and to show the true Glory of the Universe.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Spirit of Thanksgiving

The Spirit of Thanksgiving
by Robert G Parent

Thanksgiving is the beginning of the season of lights. When we come to the light with a thankful spirit, we see the whole season differently. Some see the season monetarily, some see what they can get, and some see where they can give.

Also when we come into the season of lights with a thankful spirit, we see the truth that is within all the religious celebrations. Why do we make or focus on the differences between all the religions, instead of honoring the similarities? All religion and spiritual thought have the same foundations -- trying to understand the soul and those lives beyond our physical senses.

Also when we come into the season of lights with a thankful spirit, we see the differences as seasoning that make this life experience excited and wonderful to live. It's the differences that help humanity learn and grow. Its the differences that bring us new understanding because without anything new, humanity will degenerate and not discover their potential and their purpose in the Universe God.