Saturday, January 02, 2010

Losing Weight

Losing Weight
by Robert G Parent

Why is it so hard to lose weight? Fructose. It does not turn off the the mechanism in our brain that says we are not hungrey. One thing that does not help is that Frutose is in about 90% of our food because its cheep. Why do they need to put sugar into our foods. Because it would be so bland without the sugar. So if our food is tasteless without putting sugar into it, why are we eating it.

If you think of it, we should only have a produce section, a meat section, a dairy section and a frozen foods section. We don't really need to eat anything in the middle of grocery stores. We should also eat more natural fibers such as apples and pears. Fiber is proven to help tell the brain that we are full.

So it would be easier to lose weight if we change what we eat and get the frutose out of our diets. Exercise regularly, going out into nature and walk among the woods, by a lake, or river. Just being more active and having the right amount of sleep.

Check out the Hazards of Sugar A 9 part series on You Tube.

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