Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Presidental Debate for October 7, 2008

The Presidental Debate for October 7, 2008
by Robert G Parent

I watched the debate last night between John McCain and Obama, and to keep it short and sweet, was a failure. The debate was basically both Obama and John McCain friendly attacking each other and defending their positions. It was a town hall debate. I would've liked it if both candidates would've stayed within the time limits and answered more questions from the American People.

I also wanted to say that both healthcare plans are not as good as they could be. I diffently don't like Obama's national healthcare plan, look at what the government did with social security and medicare. McCain's plan is better giving us $5000 on our insurance and the ability to shop around for a better price plan, even if it is in another state. I think we need to continue to be creative in improving our healthcare system.

I think healthcare should be more local, like the concept of a credit union, but for healthcare. where people and their families open up a healthcare account and the whole family once they start working would pay into it.

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