Sunday, October 09, 2005

Joseph J Dewey - Weblog (Forces of Materialism) October 3 2005

Hey all, here is a posting that I've found on JJ Dewey's weblog about Materialism. He talks of why the terrorist are in illusion. But also ponder as you click on the link to read this, terrorist are not the only ones in illusion but many people who don't have an understanding of terrorist (I'm speaking of the press here mostly. What do you hear on the daily news stories? Truth or only one side of the story. Below is only an excerpt from the site, go to the site and read the whole article. It's about half way down the page and Titled "Forces of Materialism". Ponder on the lesson or principal behind the writing.

use what you've been giving,
your mind, heart, and soul

"This is exactly right. To see good in Osama bin Laden because he is fighting the forces of materialism is illusion.

Why is it illusion?

Ask this question. Are the terrorists really fighting materialism or are they really aiding materialism? Is it actually materialism that bothers them or is it change brought about by true progress, not related to the materialism of the west?

There are two primary things that bother them.

1.The first on the list is democracy and an increase in rights and freedom of the people, especially women.

2.The second thing that bothers them is anything that represents progress from the West that will alter their way of life, especially as it relates to the authoritative control over the people.

But isn't it obvious that the West, particularly the United States, is much more materialistic than the terrorists who seem to want to live in the lifestyle of the Amish?

No, it isn't obvious. If a people have money, abundance and scientific advancement this does not mean they are materialistic. DK himself gives out a meditation to disciples to assist them in drawing money in their direction. Is this materialistic? No."

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