Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thoughts on the Gathering of Lights

Thoughts on the Gathering of Lights

I had some insights in my daily meditation about the Gathering. The Gathering is not where all lights gather in one country or state, but to gather on Earth, which is the one place. Everyone of us need to shine our love in the area where we are. Because if all the lights only gathered in one country, one state the physical world would be unbalenced. In the second stanza of the song of 144,000 says that the Love be enflamed, the way that I see this and manifest that stanza is to imagine the love expanding out from my heart to my physical body, to my emotional body, to my mental body, to my auric field, where I glow like a sun. Just as the Earth needs the Sun for her warmth and life, those around us need our love to shine for their warmth, love, and to see who they truely are. And if we radiate Love where we are, the world will become more in balence and the shadows revealed and our growth expanded.

Robert G Parent

I believe that the song is not only what we say but how we should live.
The song of 144.000:

song of 144 000
by JJ Dewey from the "Immortal Book 1"

“We thank you Father that you have revealed to us your protective
universal light; that within this light is complete protection
from all destructive forces; that the Holy Spirit of Your Presence
permeates us in this light, and wherever we will the light to descend.”

“We thank you Father that you fill us with your protective
fires of Love; that within this love is complete protection from all
destructive thoughts and feelings; that the consciousness of Christ
is lifted up in us in this love, and wherever we will the love to be

“We thank you Father that you are in us and we are in you;
that through us Your Will is sent forth on wings of power; that Your
Purpose is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven; that through
us Your Light and Love and Power is manifest to all the Sons and
Daughters of Mankind.”

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